属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-南非保安公司开展反偷猎业务保护犀牛
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美朝关系缓和 法国高温致学校停课 英外交大臣
1 | 村里有我今晚过夜的地方吗? | Is there anywhere that I can lodge in the village tonight? | |
2 | 滑雪的人们穿着厚重的鞋子踏着重步走进小屋。 | The skiers clumped into the lodge in their heavy boots. | |
3 | 蛔蚴可误入肝门,引起肉芽肿性损害及肝肿大。 | aberrant larvae may lodge in the liver, producing granulomatous lesions and hepatomegaly | |
4 | 些慢性疾病,如结核病、第三期梅毒,都可能感染到肌肉。受污染食物中的寄生虫,例如绦虫、原生动物,会从肠内进入血管,而后在肌肉中滞留。 | Some chronic diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, third-stage syphilis)can involve the muscles. Parasites (e.g., tapeworms, protozoans)in contaminated food enter the bloodstream from the intestines and lodge in muscle. | |
5 | ||1:迪基也是一名研究黑手党的历史学家,他认为意大利的共济会会所与有组织的犯罪集团之间存在联系。||2:有一些主要的美生,比如20世纪70年代意大利P2会所的负责人,曾与恐怖分子和洗钱者勾结牟利。||3:据卡拉布里格斯的一名前任工师称,早在上世纪90年代,该地区32个分会中就有28个受到“恩德朗赫塔”犯罪组织的控制。 | ||1:Mr Dickie is also a historian of the Mafia, and he suggests a connection between Italian Lodges and organisedcrime syndicates.||2:Some leading Masons, such as Licio Gelli, the head of Italy’s P2 Lodge in the 1970s, have collaborated profitably with terrorists and money-launderers.||3:According to a former Grand Master in Calabria, 28 out of 32 Lodges in the region were known to be controlled by the ’Ndrangheta as recently as the 1990s. | |
6 | 共济会会所内幕 | Inside the Lodge | |
7 | 考利·博塔(Callie Botha)管理着一个拥有六头犀牛的林间小屋。最近他发现有一头犀牛死了,犀牛角被割掉了。那头犀牛他养了12年了。 | Callie Botha manages a lodge that had six rhinos. Recently he found one dead, with its horns cut off. He owned the rhino for 12 years. | |
8 | 乌克兰对欧洲委员会恢复俄罗斯投票权的决定做出愤怒回应,该委员会独立于欧盟。但支持者认为,这将确保俄罗斯公民能够向欧洲人权法院提起针对俄罗斯政府的诉讼。欧洲人权法院是欧洲委员会的一个机构。 | Ukraine responded angrily to the decision of the Council of Europe, which is separate from the EU, to restore Russia’s voting rights. But supporters of the move said this would ensure that Russian citizens could lodge claims against their government at the European Court of Human Rights, a body of the council. | |
9 | 行驶在俄亥俄州米尔福德的领导路上,林木繁茂,而后到了一处外观奢华,看似是滑雪场的地方。 | DRIVE up the leafy Leadership Trail in Milford, Ohio and you reach what appears from the outside to be a luxury ski lodge. | |
10 | 当你擦上化妆品,“要远离粉底,那样会增加你的皱纹,”里斯安徒生警告说。 | And when you apply makeup, "stay away from powders that can lodge in wrinkles, " warns Reiss-Andersen. | |
11 | 后来,海顿与莫扎特共同成为维也纳共济会团体的成员,结为私交并互为对方的仰慕者。 | Later, they were members of the same Masonic lodge in Vienna, and became personal friends as well as mutual admirers. | |
12 | 许多学生住在学院的学生宿舍里。 | Many students lodge in their college halls. | |
13 | 一位司机阿尔伯特告诉了我们他的烦恼——在工作了30年后,他还必需挤在他姐姐的房子里。 | Alberto, a driver, tells of his frustration that after 30 years of work he must still lodge in the house of his sister. |